Over my very brief time in the media I have managed to collect a few links that may be useful to anyone wanting to start out in the media but wants to stay in the North.
Northern Film and Media
Easily the biggest help I have had so far. They have numerous tools to help you and they are specifically set up to get people in the Northeast into the media. They have C.V. reading services, links to local production companies, advice on how to make your own content as well as much more. Definately worth a read.
BBC writers room
If you want to write then start here. Has all the best tips on how to write everything you could imagine as well as a serive for you to submit your scripts.
A great way to get into writing and to get your ideas down on is to write a blog and these are the best guys for it.
Movie distrubution
Northeast movies is a great site that allows people to upload their movies, get coverage and get feedback.
The more I find the more I will add which should help.