Well this is my first post...where the hell do you start these things?
Ok, I am a recent Media graduate based in the Northeast of England. I work for an up-and-coming video communication company and generally life is good. However, as the greedy capitalist pig that I am, I want more. So I am trying to start the long and slippery ladder that hopefully leads to being a television producer.
"Why a producer?" I hear you ask. Why not a writer, an actor or a director? Well the answer is simple.
I am not good enough.
Whilst this may seem a little to self deprecating it is in fact true. I am an ok writer, the stuff I write doesn't make me want to end it all but it doesn't move me in the same way other writers do. I am an ok actor, I can portray what is asked of me, I know how to look angry(ish) but I don't think I can make people believe that I really mean it. I feel I would also be an ok director but I lack experience and the correct training.
After reading this back I realise it may sound like I am settling for a job as a Producer. But it is something that I want above all of those. I feel in this role you get do to aspects of all these things but it does not all come down to a talent in one area or another.
So my plan is to use this blog as a sort of "I am bored at work so I will write what I think" diary. I will tell you how I get on, what I end up doing, what I feel about certain events and so on. I also hope that you will share any knowledge you have with me and we can thus help each other.
Well that's the plan anyway.
So,if you see me as some pretentious, lower middle class prick who should be happy with what he has got then I apologise and say to you that you probably shouldn't read this. It will just make you angry. And we don't want to raise that blood pressure again do we? However, if I haven't already alienated you or you are in fact interested in what I have to say then brilliant.
Anyways speak soon
I think that being a Producer is different to the other areas that you mention - and it's good that it's your aim, but the 'I am not good enough' therefore I am a Producer undermines the role that you want to fill.
ReplyDeleteProducing requires management, organisational and people skills - a combination of the skills associated with the other professions you mentioned. It's also a highly creative role that occasionally requires you to be brave with your instincts and direct in your focus.
Hi Frankie, thanks for the post. I know all that is required of a producer but it isn't the first thing people think of when thinking of a career in television. The things you mentioned are the reasons why being a producer excites me but if I had been particulary skillfull in a more obvious area I don't think I would have been drawn as much to being a producer. If you have a particular writing talent you work with it, the same for directing and acting. I am doing the same but my talent tends to be more "jack of all trades," with some other things thrown in. I didn't mean to belittle the role of a producer just point out that it is not an obvious choice for people starting out.